Workshops and presentations

Throughout the semester, the Bureau de la vie étudiante offers a variety of presentations and workshops to give you the information you need for your integration. Check this page regularly to see what’s coming.

Your immigration procedures

Living in Québec

Studying at Université Laval

Your immigration procedures

Moratorium on the CSQ and changes to post-graduation work permits

Several government announcements have been made in recent weeks. In this webinar, we will discuss recent changes to the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), the moratorium on certain CSQ applications, and Bill 74.

Duration: 45 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Download the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) french PowerPoint (PDF) of this webinar.

Obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN) is one of the steps to take in the first few weeks following your arrival in Canada. This number is required to receive a salary, file your income tax return and obtain social benefits. During this webinar, Service Canada will present its different services, explain how to obtain a SIN and when and how to disclose it. Following the presentation, the speakers will be available to guide you through the online application for a SIN.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Renewing your CAQ and study permit

Many students have to renew their Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ – Québec acceptance certificate) and study permit while at Université Laval. This information session will help you understand the different steps you will need to take to renew your CAQ and study permit, the documents you will need, the government platforms you will need to use.

Get ready for the session by checking out the Extending or changing your student authorization documents page.

Duration: 120 minutes

To participate in this webinar, you must activate your Zoom ULaval account by logging in at with your IDUL and PIN. You can then register for the above webinar using your address.

Study Permit Holders: Legal Obligations and Right to Work

Holding a study permit involves a number of legal obligations that you need to know and understand. In this conference offered by the Student Life Office, you will learn more about your obligations, the documents you need to hold at all times, how to extend your study permits, your right to work, the implications of doing an internship during your studies, specifics related to your last semester of study, and much more. A conference you will not want to miss!

Duration: 60 minutes

To participate in this webinar, you must activate your Zoom ULaval account by logging in at with your IDUL and PIN. You can then register for the above webinar using your address.

Working with a study permit

In this presentation, you will learn more about Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s regulations regarding international students’ rights to work or do an internship during their studies. The presentation will also look at Quebec’s labour norms and laws and the resources available to students who are searching for a job.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

To participate in this webinar, you must activate your Zoom ULaval account by logging in at with your IDUL and PIN. You can then register for the above webinar using your address.

Download the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) french PowerPoint (PDF) and the Service du développement professionnel (SDP) french PowerPoint (PDF) of this webinar.

To join the virtual session online, you must activate your Université Laval Zoom account. To log in, click on this link or go to, then choose “Se connecter (ULaval)” (ULaval Login) and enter your login information and password.

International students: Working while studying, you have rights and obligations

This presentation offered by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), in collaboration with the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (CDPDJ), provides an overview of the rights and obligations of international students who have entered or wish to enter the Quebec labour market. The content covered includes: minimum wage, holidays, vacation time, discrimination and recourses in case your rights are not respected.

Duration: 90 minutes

To join the online session, you will need to activate your Université Laval Zoom account. To log in, click on this link or go to, then click on “Login (ULaval)” and enter your and password.

After you graduate: knowing your right to work and applying for a post-graduation work permit

In this Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE – Student Life Office) information session, you will learn about your right to work after you graduate. You will also learn how to apply for a post-graduation work permit. Get ready for this session by checking out the Applying for a post-graduation work permit page.

Duration: 90 minutes

To participate in this webinar, you must activate your Zoom ULaval account by logging in at with your IDUL and PIN. You can then register for the above webinar using your address.

Working or doing an internship in Canada after your student exchange program

During this presentation, you will learn about the regulations of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada regarding the right of exchange students to work while studying and the possibilities of working or doing an internship in Canada after your exchange session. This presentation will also look at the resources available to you in your job search.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

To participate in this webinar, you must activate your Zoom ULaval account by logging in at with your IDUL and PIN. You can then register for the above webinar using your address.

Download the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) french PowerPoint (PDF) and the Service du développement professionnel (SDP) french PowerPoint (PDF) of this webinar.

To join the online session, you will need to activate your Université Laval Zoom account. To log in, click on this link or go to, then click on “Login (ULaval)” and enter your and password.

Access to permanent residence after studies

This information session (in French), presented by the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE – Student Life Office), is aimed at international students who want to learn more about the various programs that lead to the obtention of the permanent residence.

Duration: 90 minutes

To participate in this webinar, you must activate your Zoom ULaval account by logging in at with your IDUL and PIN. You can then register for the above webinar using your address.

Pathways to permanent residence in Québec after graduation

This information session (in French) is for international students and who wish to settle in Québec permanently after graduation. This presentation is offered by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) in collaboration with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and participating universities.

Duration: 120 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Pathways to Permanent Residence

This informative video is presented by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and covers the pathways to Permanent Residence for those wishing to settle in Canada after their studies. It does not cover permanent residence programs in Quebec.

If you still have questions after watching the informative video, sign up for Q&A sessions offered by IRCC.

For more information, please visit the Department of Immigration, Francization and Integration

Upcoming dates to come…

You must first watch the 36-minute by logging in with the password Fall2023.

  • Webinar / Tuesday, November 7 at 12 pm (bilingual)

IRCC is also conducting a short survey on the Slido platform to learn more about the factors that influence international students when choosing Canada for their studies and subsequently seeking permanent residence. The Slido platform is also used to collect your questions before and during the presentation. Please feel free to use it to send your questions.
Download the PowerPoint of this webinar (PDF)

Becoming a permanent resident in Quebec

This information session for holders of open or closed work permits is offered by Québec International and the ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI). Its purpose is to inform you about the steps involved in becoming a permanent resident of Quebec, through the various pathways available.

Duration: 90 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Reform of the PEQ for graduates

The Québec experience program (PEQ) is an accelerated and streamlined permanent selection program for skilled workers wanting to get a CSQ. It has two streams: Québec Graduate and Temporary Foreign Worker. During this presentation, the reform of this program will be presented.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

To join the online session, you will need to activate your Université Laval Zoom account. To log in, click on this link or go to, then click on “Login (ULaval)” and enter your and password.

Laws and regulations in Canada: Presentation of the Québec City Police Service

This conference will allow newcomers to establish a first contact with a police officer serving their municipality in order to better understand the functioning of the Canadian police force as well as the values to which it is dedicated. Themes addresses in the conference are the mission of the police in Canada, laws and regulation, Highway Safety Code and Criminal Code.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Living in Québec

Approaching the Other – Relationships in Québec

This workshop is intended for anyone who is interested in intercultural love and friendship relationships.

Do you want to know more about the codes of seduction in Quebec? Do you want to understand the cultural differences in terms of gender equality, harassment and sexual diversity? You simply want to be able to discuss all these seemingly taboo subjects in an open-minded manner! This workshop is for you!

Lasting about 2 hours (including a question period), this workshop will enable you to develop your knowledge and skills in relations to Quebec. It is brought to you by Kanica Saphan, founder and sexology professional for Sofa sexologique and specialist in intercultural relationships.

Without taboos, without censorship, simply in the pleasure of learning!

This workshop will be held entirely in French. However, you may ask questions in English if you feel more comfortable.

Duration: 90 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Insurance and health services in Québec

Come learn about Québec’s health care system. We’ll cover topics like how to access medical clinics, what community organizations are available in the city, insurance, and more! Come learn how health services in Québec work so you can be prepared in case you need them!

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Parent-Student presentation: Health Care, Perinatal, and ULaval Parent Services

Whether you are currently a parent and a student, or you plan to have children in the future while living in Québec, this presentation is for you! Come and meet a counsellor from the Immigrant Settlement Service (SAAI) and a representative from the Université Laval Parent-Student Association, to get all the information you need to feel safe and comfortable with your current and future family. Topics will include: health care for children, perinatal care in Québec and services for student-parents.

Upcoming dates to come…

Things to do in Québec City and an introduction to Québec culture

Come learn about what to do in Québec City. We’ll introduce you yo things like what not to miss in the city, what the local food is like, and much more! This will be a relaxed and friendly session where you can come and chat with our facilitators about Québec culture and what makes it unique!

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Winter clothing and tips

Get ready for the cold season! The BVE in collaboration with the Service des résidences will help you get ready by sharing some tips on how to dress for the winter, how to adapt to the winter climate and how to avoid falling into the traps that could prevent you from enjoying winter.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Driving in Québec (SAAQ presentation)

This presentation, offered by the SAAQ, will provide you with an overview of the various steps involved in obtaining a Québec driver’s licence, depending on your personal situation. You’ll also learn about the main rules of the road in Québec and how to get around safely, whether by foot, bike or car.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Tribunal administratif du logement presentation: your rights and obligations as a tenant

Whether you live in a university residence or in off-campus housing, you have rights and obligations as a tenant. To make sure you meet your obligations and enforce your rights, attend the conference offered by the Tribunal administratif du logement, the expert authority designated to inform and support you!

Duration: 60 minutes

  • Webinar / Monday, April 7 at 12 pm (French)

Income tax in Canada

This presentation will be presented by the Canada Revenue Agency in collaboration with Revenu Québec. It is for international students and individuals who have never filed an income tax return in Canada before. This webinar will cover topics such as: how and when to fill taxs, tax credits and deductions and what documents are required to file your return.

Duration: 120 minutes

  • Wednesday, March 19 at 10 am (French) / J.-A. DeSève building, room 0134
  • Wednesday, March 19 at 5:30 pm (French) / Charles-De Koninck building, room 1242
  • Thursday, March 20 at 10 am (French) / J.-A. DeSève building, room 1215
  • Thursday, March 20 at 1:30 pm (French) / J.-A. DeSève building, room 1215
  • Friday, March 21 at 10 am / Charles-De Koninck building, room 2155
  • Friday, March 21 at 1:30 pm (French) / J.-A. DeSève building, room 0134

Discounts and bargains

You want to spend a pleasant stay in Quebec City without spending a fortune? We will give you tips on how to save money: discount stores, where to find bargains and tools to plan your budget and save money.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Studying at Université Laval

Plagiarism (Université Laval standards)

When it comes to plagiarism, you have got to be careful. Some situations are not as clear-cut as others and can increase the risk of plagiarism for everyone. First, this information session will cover the Règlement disciplinaire à l’intention des étudiants et des étudiantes de l’Université Laval [Université Laval’s disciplinary regulations for students], the process for dealing with plagiarism offences, and the range of possible penalties.

Duration: 60 minutes

Université Laval Zoom account. To log in, click on this link or go to, then click on “Login (ULaval)” and enter your and password.

University services for students

Université Laval offers services to help you throughout your studies. Whether you’ve got financial questions, need academic support, or want to learn more about student associations, immigration, jobs, and internships, or want to ask any sort of question, this presentation is for you! Come meet representatives from the Bureau de la vie étudiante – BVE (Student Life Office), Bureau des bourses et de l’aide financière (Student Awards and Financial Aid Office), Centre d’aide aux étudiants (Student Assistance Centre), Service du développement professionnel (Professional Development Services), and Le Point service kiosk all in one place (online)! You’ll learn about what services are available to you, and there will definitely be time for you to ask questions!

Upcoming dates to come…

To join the online session, you will need to activate your Université Laval Zoom account. To log in, click on this link or go to, then click on “Login (ULaval)” and enter your and password.

Successful studies in a digital environment

Starting your studies in an environment that requires knowledge of various software and IT tools can sometimes be stressful! Come to this presentation to learn more about the IT tools you need to know, the Québec educational system and its application at Université Laval as well as tips and tricks to study efficiently.

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…

Getting involved in student associations

Come learn about what the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) and the Direction des services aux étudiants – DSE (Student Services) can offer you in terms of creating and supporting student associations. Learn about the various associations active on campus and get involved!

Duration: 60 minutes

Upcoming dates to come…


In addition, visit the Events section of the Centre d’aide aux étudiants (Student Assistance Centre) website to find out about presentations offered on various topics related to academic success and stress management.