Activities on campus
Throughout your stay at Université Laval, the Bureau de la vie étudiante will act as an information hub and reference point to facilitate your arrival, your settling into Québec city and your integration into the university community. Here are the main welcoming services offered at the beginning of fall and winter semesters:
Registration instructions
You will find below, all the offered activities.
- Click on the week for which you want to get the schedule.
- Click on the activity you want to register for and get all the information about it.
- Add a ticket to the virtual shopping cart and click on “Proceed to Checkout.”
- Fill in the information you are asked for and give your Université Laval ( email address. A confirmation email with instructions on how to attend will be sent to this address.
- Repeat the process for each of the desired activities.
To join a virtual activity, you have to activate your ULaval Zoom account (French only). For any technical assistance, please contact your faculty service center (French only).
Activities for the winter 2025 semester
Week of November 18 to 24
- Before your arrival: What you need to know
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of November 25 to December 1st
- Before your arrival: What you need to know
- Cost of studies in Canada: Get prepared!
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of December 2 to 8
- Before your arrival: What you need to know
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of December 9 to 15
- Before your arrival: What you need to know
- Cost of studies in Canada: Get prepared!
- Prearrival Questions-Answers session
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of December 16 to 22
- Before your arrival: What you need to know
- Cost of studies in Canada: Get prepared!
- Prearrival Questions-Answers session
- Mandatory orientation session
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Presentation: Obtaining a social insurance number
- Presentation: Winter clothes and tips
- Presentation: Tings to do in Québec city and an introduction to Québec culture
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of December 30 to January 5
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of January 6 to 12
- Prearrival Questions-Answers session
- Before your arrival: What you need to know
- Mandatory orientation session
- Welcoming team
- Guided campus tour
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Presentation: Successful studies in a digital environment
- Presentation: Working with a study permit
- Presentation: Discounts and bargains
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Pizza and board games
- Friendly soccer (football) game
- Snowshoeing/guided walk
- Québec movie night
- Candlelight evening (Québec’s tales)
- Winter rally on campus
- Archery championship
- Issuing social insurance numbers on campus
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of January 13 to 19
- Mandatory orientation session
- Welcoming team
- Guided campus tour
- Presentation: Tings to do in Québec city and an introduction to Québec culture
- Presentation: Successful studies in a digital environment
- Presentation: Getting involve in student associations
- Presentation: Discounts and bargains
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Presentation: Working with a study permit
- Snowshoeing/guided walk
- Friendly soccer (football) game
- Happy Hour at the Pub Universitaire
- Issuing social insurance numbers on campus
Consult the schedule
Week of January 20 to 26
- Mandatory orientation session
- Guided campus tour
- Presentation: Working or doing an internship in Canada after your student exchange program
- Presentation: Plagiarism (Université Laval standards)
- Friendly soccer (football) game
Consult the schedule
Week of January 27 to February 2nd
- Discussion group: My first weeks in Québec
Consult the schedule
Schedule of Fall 2024 to come…
Winter activity schedule
Week of March 2 to 10
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of December 11 to 17
- Pre-departure information sessions
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of December 18 to 24
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Workshop: Winter clothing and tips
- Workshop: Things to do in Québec City and an introduction to Québec culture
- Christmas dinner
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of January 1 to 7
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Welcoming team
- Workshop: Winter clothing and tips
- Workshop: Discounts and bargains
- Friendly soccer (football) games
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Presentation: Obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Snowshoe on campus
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of January 8 to 14
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Welcoming team
- Friendly soccer (football) games
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Presentation: Obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Workshop: Parent-Student presentation: Health Care, Perinatal and ULaval Parent Services
- Workshop: Things to do in Québec City and an introduction to Québec culture
- Workshop: Successful studies in a digital environment
- Presentation: Working with a study permit
- Pizza and board games
- Workshop: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Québec movie night
- Snowshoe on campus
- Candlelight evening: First Nations tales and legends
- Cross country skiing and snowshoeing at Duchesnay
- Guided bus tour of Québec City
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of January 15 to 21
- Orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Welcoming team
- Friendly soccer (football) games
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Presentation: Working or doing an internship in Canada after your student exchange program
- Workshop: Successful studies in a digital environmnent
- Workshop: Discounts and bargains
- Winter rally on campus
- Social Insurance Number (SIN) Clinic
- Snowshoe on campus
- Workshop: Approaching the Other- Relationships in Québec
- Happy Hour at the Pub Universitaire
- Presentation: Plagiarism (Université Laval standards)
- Workshop: Getting involved in student associations
- Ice fishing
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Week of January 22 to 28
- Orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Workshop: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Presentation: Obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Snow sliding at Glissades Tewkesbury
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Registration instructions
You will find below, all the activities offered each week.
- Click on the Consult the schedule button to go to the page listing all activities.
- Click on the activity you want to register for and get all the information about it.
- Add a ticket to the virtual shopping cart and click on “Proceed to Checkout.”
- Fill in the information you are asked for and give your Université Laval ( email address. A confirmation email with instructions on how to attend will be sent to this address.
- Repeat the process for each of the desired activities.
To join a virtual activity, you have to activate your ULaval Zoom account (French only). For any technical assistance, please contact your faculty service center (French only).
Fall activity schedule
July 22 to 28
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
July 29 to August 4
- Pre-departure information sessions
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
August 5 to 11
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
August 12 to 18
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Pre-departure questions and answers
- Mandatory orientation and information sessions
- Cost of studies in Canada: Get ready!
- Presentation: Obtaining a social insurance number
- Friendly soccer (football) game
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
August 19 to 25
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Pre-departure questions and answers
- Mandatory orientation and information sessions
- Cost of studies in Canada: Get ready!
- Presentation: Obtaining a social insurance number
- Friendly soccer (football) game
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Beach volleyball
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Presentation: Successful studies in a digital environment
- Presentation: Discounts and bargains
- Guided tours of the campus
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
August 26 to September 1
- On-campus social insurance number issuance
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Pre-departure questions and answers
- Mandatory orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Welcome team
- Presentation: Obtaining a social insurance number
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Presentation: Successful studies in a digital environment
- Presentation: Working with a study permit
- Presentation: Discounts and bargains
- Presentation: Things to do in Quebec City and an introduction to Quebec culture
- Presentation: Getting involve in students associations
- Friendly soccer (football) game
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Beach volleyball
- Quebec movie night
- Happy Hour at the Pub Universitaire
- Camping campus: wendat stories
- Pizza and board games
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
September 2 to 8
- On-campus social insurance number issuance
- Pre-departure information sessions
- Mandatory orientation and information sessions
- Guided tours of the campus
- Welcome team
- Presentation: Discounts and bargains
- Presentation: Successful studies in a digital environment
- Presentation: Plagiarism and ULaval norms
- Presentation: Things to do in Quebec City and an introduction to Quebec culture
- Presentation: Working with a study permit
- Presentation: Insurance and health services in Québec
- Friendly soccer (football) game
- Beach volleyball
- Fall rally on campus
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
September 9 to 15
- Mandatory orientation and information sessions
- Presentation: Working or doing an internship in Canada after your student exchange program
- Friendly soccer (football) game
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
September 16 to 22
- Mandatory orientation and information sessions
Consult the schedule[/bouton_orange]
Summer campus
Summer Campus (in French only) offers a wide range of free activities and a line-up of events for making the most of the summer with family, friends, and fellow students.
Borrow sports equipment and games for free from the kiosk (in French only), relax in some areas set aside for you to unwind, or see what cultural activities are on! You can also use the BBQs, have a picnic, or pick up a snack on campus.
Our activities
Click on the link of the activity you are interested in to register. Select a ticket and click on Proceed to Checkout. You will then be asked to fill out a form with your contact information. It is important to use your Université Laval email address ( to complete the registration. A confirmation email will be sent to your ULaval email address with instructions on how to attend.
Come play a friendly game of soccer (football) with us! This is a great opportunity to check out our sports facilities and enjoy playing your favourite sport! No experience necessary.
Duration: 120 minutes
Wednesday, March 8 at 10 a.m.
Thursday, March 10 at 2 p.m.
Meet us with your ticket at the main entrance of Stade Telus (the Telus Stadium) (2380 rue du Peps).
Come spend your lunch hour with us! We’ve got good pizza and plenty of drinks, and, of course, board games are on the menu too! Please note that the registration fee includes 2 slices of pizza and one drink per person. More pizza slices or drinks can be purchased on site with cash only.
Saturday, January 7 at 12:30 p.m.
Saturday, January 14 at 12:30 p.m.
Join us with your ticket at the Cercle (room 4512 in the Alphonse-Desjardins building, on the 4th floor).
Come play a short game of beach volleyball with us! Touch, set, fun! No experience necessary.
Duration: 105 minutes
Wednesday, January 11 at 10:30 a.m.
Meet us with your ticket at the main entrance of the PEPS sports complex (2300 rue de la Terrasse).
Québec cinema night
See Ricardo Trogi’s “1991” film, a classic of Québec cinema! In his early 20s, the main character takes off to Italy to study as an exchange student (well, to join the love of his life actually!). A mix of Québec and Italian culture, this movie does a great job showing some of the adventures an exchange student can have! The film will be presented in French.
Duration: 190 minutes
Friday, January 6 at 7 p.m.
Meet us with your ticket at the mini movie theatre Théâtre de poche (room 2113 in the Maurice‑Pollack building).
A friendly evening with friends to have a drink and a bite to eat, the Québec happy hour is a must during your stay in Québec! Don’t miss the chance to attend our international student’s happy hour! Small bites, free drinks and most of all, a lot of fun!
Duration: 120 minutes
Thursday, Januray 12 at 5 p.m.
Meet us with your ticket at the Pub Universitaire in the Alphonse-Desjardins building, room 1312.
Yoga and meditation
Whether you’re beginner or advanced, this combined yoga and meditation session will help you take a moment for yourself before you jump into a busy semester. This workshop will be good for you both physically and mentally. It’ll also show you new ways to find calmness while moving! No experience necessary.
Duration: 60 minutes
Tuesday, January 10 at 4 p.m.
Join us with your ticket at room 0957 in the PEPS sports complex.
Zumba class
Combining dance and fitness, our Zumba class is the best way to burn off your energy at the beginning of this hectic session!
No experience required.
Duration: 60 minutes
Thursday, January 12 at 10 a.m.
Join us with your ticket at room 0349 in the PEPS sports complex.
Collective cooking
Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a key ingredient to academic success. Did you know that cooking not only helps you save money but also helps you establish good eating habits? Join us for some fun and enjoyable community cooking where we’ll learn to cook healthy Québec food together. We’ll provide spices and seasoning you might be more familiar with from your home country to help you make these recipes your own. Put your books aside and come prepare your best meal of the week while meeting other students and having a lot of fun!
Duration: 180 minutes
Friday, January 20 at 9 a.m.
Join us with your ticket at the Institut sur la nutrition et les aliments fonctionnels – INAF (Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods), 2440 boul. Hochelaga, room 1802.
Would you like to take a walk around the Université Laval campus and discover what it has to offer? Want to move more efficiently from one building to another (by foot, via the tunnels)? Would you like to know the different services offered on campus and where the RTC stops are located?
This is what DéambUL offers you, a free Geoapplication that can be downloaded on AppStore or Google play and consulted on a smart phone, which locates you, offers a map of the Université Laval campus and proposes different thematic paths. Come and discover itineraries that highlight certain components of the campus that support sustainable development, discover the public arts on campus, come and examine some of the University’s major research infrastructures, etc.
DéambUL was designed and developed by UL staff and undergraduate students as part of training courses through a partnership between the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics and the GeoStat Center of the Université Laval Library.
Created by: Stéfano Biondo, Marie-Claude Bouchard, Claire Horsin, Suzie Larrivée, Marius Le Marechal, Martin Ouellet, Alexandre Paradis and Jacynthe Pouliot with the collaboration of Marie Dufour, Helin-Subhi Dura, Julie Ferland, Daniel Forget, Martine Lapointe, Alexandre Robert-Tessier, Sonia Rivest, Alain Chouinard (Deux & Quatre) as well as many collaborators for the content of the courses.
Financial support
Université Laval via the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics, the Library, the Student Life Office, Mon équilibre ULaval and ESRI Canada.
DéambUL is in development. We are in its 2nd deployment and in order to improve it continuously, we ask you to complete this short survey (French only).
Live chat
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Outdoor information kiosk
Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Live chat
Tuesday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Outdoor information kiosk
Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday – September 23
Community cooking
12 p.m.
Click on the link of the activity you are interested in to register. Select a billet and click on Proceed to Checkout. You will then be asked to fill out a form with your contact information. It is important to use your Laval University email address ( to complete the registration. A confirmation email will be sent to your ULaval email address with instructions on how to attend.
For the Welcome Week period, our team has planned several activities on campus—just for you!
Most activities are in French. To see the ones currently offered, visit the Activités sur le campus section.
Campus nordique
From January 15th to March 13th, Laval University offers many activities that will allow you to enjoy the benefits of the open air. For more information (only in French):
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet other students and chat about various topics in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Click on the link for the activity you want to take part in and reserve your spot! Select a billet and click on Proceed to Checkout. You will then be asked to fill out a form with your contact information. It is important to use your Laval University email address ( to complete the registration.
A confirmation email will be sent to your email address with instructions on how to attend (zoom link or meeting place as you request).
To join the virtual or concurrently session online, you must activate your Laval University Zoom account. For technical assistance, please contact your faculty service center.
Our themes :
Come play spikeball with us—a fun game that has been growing in popularity in Québec!
Every day (August 23 to 31) from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Grand Axe, between the Jean-Charles-Bonenfant and Adrien-Pouliot buildings
No registration required
*This is an outdoor activity that could be cancelled if it rains
Petanque is a sport that has a long tradition in several countries, including France (where it was founded). It has been expanding in Canada and especially in Québec for over 60 years. Come join other students and have a go at this fun game!
Every day (August 23 to 31) from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
In front of the Félix-Antoine-Savard building
No registration required
*This is an outdoor activity that could be cancelled if it rains